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Honouring Ancestors

Connecting past, present & future

13 year old Autumn Peltier's 2018 speech to the UN shares indigenous wisdom that water is alive. She calls us to "Warrior up...". She knows that "One day I will be an ancestor, and I want my great-grand-children to know I tried hard to fight so they can have clean drinking water". The global climate strikes inspired by 16 year old Greta Thunberg, reconnect to the wisdom of indigenous people who cared for the earth before being decimated by colonial genocides. Visiting Standing Rock, Greta recognised that "Indigenous peoples are often the ones who are affected the most by the climate and ecological crisis, yet they are not the ones responsible for it. They are also the ones who are leading the fight against it. We are now so desperate for their voices and knowledge how to live in balance with nature" 


Love and Courage, A Story of Insubordination honours many of humanity's ancestors who  worked with the power of love, courage and insubordination against unjust economic, political, military and social systems and the hate, greed and fear that can permeate our hearts. Honouring Ancestors connects the past, present and future through lectures Pregs has delivered including on Wangari Maathai, Ruth First, Victoria Mxenge and Julius Nyerere. If the world heeds the wisdom of Wangari Maathai, children whose wealth was stolen from them, could play happily - their present and future secure.

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Black and white photo of Pregs Govender and Vincent Harding, 'chronicler of the civil rights movement' and speech-writer for Martin Luther King.

Pregs with Vincent Harding, the 'chronicler of the civil rights movement’, speech-writer for Martin Luther King's radical speech, 'Beyond Vietnam- A time to break silence.' Pregs was invited, with five other South Africans, to join the 2005 'Civil Rights Pilgrimage'. that traveled to sites of civil rights resistance from Birmingham, Alabama and the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma. John Lewis, leader of the Selma march who had been brutally attacked by police, led the pilgrimage. Veterans included two powerful women leaders, Dorothy Cotton and Johnnie Mae Carr. 94 year old Johnnie Mae argued that the point of history is its relevance for the present. “Keep your eyes and ears open…this is not just about one race, this is about the human race.” 


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Wangari Maathai

1940 - 2011

Earth Warrior and Writer

Black and white photo of Wangari Maathai, earth warrior and writer

"Plant a tree - preserve our planet": a simple, profound idea. In 1977, Africa’s first Woman Nobel Peace Prize-winner formed the Green Belt Movement. Built on the recognition and value of rural women’s contribution, it became a catalyst for global change... Read More...


Julius Nyerere

1922 - 1999

Black and white photo of Julius Nyerere, African socialist president, Tanzania
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African Socialist & First President of Tanzania

Ruth First

1925 - 1982

South African Revolutionary, Journalist & Author 

Brutally assassinated by Apartheid's letter bomb in her office

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Black and white image of Ruth First, Revolutionary and writer
Black and white photo of Victoria Mxenge, Revolutionary Attorney, South Africa

Victoria Mxenge

1925 - 1982

South African Revolutionary & Attorney

Brutally assassinated by Apartheid agents in her driveway

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