Love, Courage & Insubordination

The Official Website of Pregs Govender, Author and Feminist
Creating community & solidarity through writing
Connecting to ancestors, artists, activists & movements
Invoking the power of love & courage to be insubordinate to injustice
A Toolkit, Guide & Resource
Love and Courage, A Story of Insubordination is used as a toolkit, guide and curriculum resource by individuals, organisations and movements, including feminist activists, teachers, writers, trade unionists, and parliamentarians. It is used to teach anti-racist and anti-capitalist feminism, political memoir, personal and political transformation, budgets, economics and law-making, political transitions and women's coalitions, history and herstory, meditation & activism.
Layli Maparyan's book, The Womanist Idea, distills seven lessons from Love and Courage. These lessons are illustrated by quotes from Love and Courage and the IFUN Curriculum workshop
Insights: Peggy Antrobus, Rajasvini Bhansali, Eve Ensler, Pumla Gqola, Jessica Horn, Desiree Lewis, Amina Mama, Mmatshilo Motsei, Margo Okazawa-Rey, Mary Robinson, Connie September & Pamela Shifman. Moments: the AWID Power of Movements Workshop, the Curriculum Workshop on Love and Courage, the Insubordinate Leadership Lecture and the Queer and Trans Art-iculations Exhibition

Pamela Shifman Margo Okazawa-Rey Mary Robinson Jessica Horn Eve Ensler Mmatshilo Motsei

Peggy Antrobus Amina Mama Pumla Gqola Connie September Desiree Lewis Rajasvini Bhansali

Pregs on women's rights as human rights and how SA and international law upholds or undermines these rights irt land, seeds and water - Rural Women's Assembly

Asserting clean water, sanitation and dignity as human rights

Making women's lives visible in public policy - First Parliamentary Debate on Central Statistics Services (CSS), 1994